Aprés avoir parcouru le monde en bateau, Fred est de retour sur son île natale. Il vous fera découvrir tous les secrets de La Digue et pourra vous faire part de ses récits de voyage au long cour. Il saura aussi vous enchanter de son art culinaire créole.
La beauté de l'île, la gentillesse de la population, les plages magiques vous offrirons des vacances inoubliables !
After sailing around the world, Fred is back to his native island. He knows all the secrets from La Digue and he would tell you also about a captain life. He is also a wonderful cook and he will take you on a voyage through the various créole spécialities to other delicious dishes from foreign countries.
The island beauty, the people's kindness, the magic beaches will gives you a wonderfull holiday as well as everything you may wish for !